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Get ready to supercharge your business with our powerhouse marketing dream team! We're here to deliver cutting-edge digital marketing solutions, tailored just for you, as if we're your very own in-house squad! Say goodbye to mediocrity and hello to phenomenal results!
Hansa is a fast-growing, data-led global marketing company with a highly talented, creative, and
compassionate team. We are a one-stop agency for all marketing and sales needs, but we will never sell
to you. Instead, we will partner with you on your company’s growth journey.
Digital marketing

Digital Marketing Services

Hansa Global is our personal business garden where we make friendships and grow businesses together. We have one goal in mind - turning your business into a beautiful fragrant flower. With our online marketing services, we will tell your story, steadily, passionately, creatively, and we will see how it grows to add layers and layers of colors until it turns into a wonderful sight. With us, you are in safe hands to improve and promote your company and brand or even to reinvent or build them bottom-up.

We are a one-stop digital marketing agency with a team of passionate professionals whose middle names are ‘creativity’ and ‘dedication’. In our multiverse, you will get all-you-need sales, development, and digital marketing agency services to get your business going and thriving. We use the best advertising tools, powerful design solutions, unique and efficient content, and the most effective marketing and sales strategies. And with a data-driven strategy as a bedrock of our company’s philosophy, we will set long-term and short-term goals together with you, execute and track them transparently, and pay full attention to where you want to be and how you want to build your name in 2, 3, 5, or 10 years.

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Why Is It Important For a Business To Be Using Digital Marketing Services

Online marketing services are customized tailor-made solutions that will impact your business growth in a cost-effective manner. Using them, you will be able to reach a broader audience, spread your voice in different areas, and build your way up in a highly competitive market. You will not only see more traffic coming your way, but you could get better lead generation, stronger conversion rate optimization, better consumer-to-business or business-to-business relations, and a stronger online (and offline) presence. 

Main Benefits of Digital Marketing for All-Size Businesses

No matter the size of your company, the benefits are many: 

  • It’s cost-effective;
  • It can be automated;
  • It allows A/B testing;
  • It can reach your target audience; 
  • It can be personalized;
  • It can be optimized; 
  • It constantly generates leads and traffic. 

Hansa Global’s Digital Marketing Services

Becoming the tool of the era, it is crucial to add SEO to your business strategy due to its capability to improve your brand’s visibility. This means - more traffic, a better conversion rate, and a greater chance to turn your prospects into customers. 

The most feasible and most efficient way to understand your customers on the one hand, but also reach them and help them out in key moments that matter on the other. You will gain more traffic, but at the same time, you will be able to empathize with what your followers want and need in granular detail.

Imagine you do have clickable and engaging content, a high-end website that meets all of the UX/UI standards with the most creative and talented team on board, but you don’t have a Technical SEO specialist. All your work would be done in vain.

Technical SEO ensures your website meets the latest search engine demands in tech terms. By setting this kind of optimization, you will let search engines freely crawl, index, and render your pages in order to improve organic traffic. Skipping this will have a large impact on your rankings, even making you invisible. 

Putting it simply, what we do with On-Page SEO is that we optimize the elements on your web pages for Search Engines. Sounds easy, right? However, it’s more complicated than you think. 

This refers to the umbrella of activities such as - writing and publishing quality content with important keywords in focus, optimizing headlines, HTML tags, and images. But if you think that the process ends with making a perfect page, you will be disappointed. You also need to frequently review and audit your content to ensure it’s still up-to-date, good, and relevant. It seems that hiring professionals comes in handy. 

Google will crawl through your website, and it will crawl heartlessly calculating the quality of your inbound links. The higher the quality, the better the rank. However… this could also go in the opposite direction, and that’s what you would want to avoid.

Being a major SEO ranking factor, link building strategy is what you would want to dedicate your time and resources to. That’s why Hansa Global’s link-building team is focused on finding the best solutions in order to improve your search engine rankings by getting mentions by authority figures on the web.

iGaming link building services play a vital role in boosting online visibility and the very reputation of any iGaming business. These specialized services leverage their expertise to obtain high-quality and authoritative backlinks from relevant and reputable websites.

By strategically placing the links on websites related to gaming, casino gaming, sports betting, tech, and others, iGaming backlink profiling can help enhance a website’s rankings on search engines and drive more organic traffic and potential customers to the business. Not only does this foster brand recognition, but it also cultivates trust within this highly competitive industry.

A vital part of any marketing campaign, this digital marketing service will catapult your business into the limelight on search engines like Google and Bing, together with placing your name where it should be - in front of prospective customers. 

Our team of PPC experts will guide you through the whole process. We will align our PPC service with your business goals and objectives. Together, we will choose the right platform, define the target audience, and generate campaigns that will grab your consumer’s attention. 

In the digital marketing world, ‘content is key’. And being the bedrock of any SEO strategy is a tough task. Everything relies on it. In SEO terms, good content isn’t the one you simply stuff with keywords, but the one that brings value, and information, and engages the readers. You want to solve your reader’s dilemmas, help them make a purchasing decision, and answer their questions, instead of just selling your products. 

That’s why our team is equipped with experts who will help you deploy the right content creation strategy that will bring the right mixture of SEO and creativity.

Blog Posts

It is established that content is key, and the best type of content you can upload to your website are blog posts. Blog posts can aid you in boosting web traffic, and all that traffic can result in conversions. Besides that, there are other benefits to regularly posting blog posts, including: 

  • Increased exposure to potential clients - when you create interesting and engaging blog posts, you increase your chances of people coming to your website. What’s more, you have a better chance to increase engagement as people will gladly share your content on their profiles. This increases your online presence and exposure, which can result in more clients. 
  • Established authority - high-quality blogs can position you as a leader in your industry. This increases your authority in the eyes of search engines and consumers and helps you convert visitors into leads. 
  • Support for your sales funnel - quality blog posts support search intent, and this helps ‘shepherd’ people through the sales funnel. Simply said, when you post a quality blog with great content and an internal linking strategy, you will manage to pull people towards a call to action. 

The famous “Pics, or it didn’t happen” mantra of the Instagram Era eventually laid foundations of Internet marketing. Business-wise, without social media, you are not very visible. It gives you the power to build your brand’s story in a step-by-step manner making a community around it.  

With our Social Media Marketing Services, you will not dryly promote your brand and gain passive followers, you will be able to co-create with your fan base instead. And this means more user-generated content, better business-to-customer relationships, word-of-mouth promotion, and many more.

Hansa Global also offers executive and company PR to its clients. Whether you are the CEO and want to work on your personal brand or want to build your company’s reputation, we can help.

By investing in executive PR, you can attract top talent to your company and create a bond with your audience that will last a long time.

How to Know Which Online Marketing Service Is Right For Your Business

Choosing the right service comes down to what your business objectives are, as well as where your audience is located. It’s not the same if you are, for instance, a counseling agency, blogger, or bakery, or if you are a music production company or a beauty clinic. Your goals might even be the same, but the means of communication and the platforms and strategies you will use will totally differ. 

While some businesses, like bloggers or online schools, will rely more on creating a catchy and functional website, other businesses like bakeries, visual artists, or beauty clinics might rely more on social media to showcase their work. 

Once you set your meeting with us, together we will go through all of your products and services, covering your main ideas, objectives, and goals in order to set a tailor-made strategy that will suit your business’s needs. 

Why You Should Choose Hansa Global As Your Digital Marketing Agency

We Believe in Data-Driven Processes.

As a data-driven digital marketing agency, we rely on research. And we do it thoroughly. No matter if you are already a built-up company, you want to focus on local SEO, or you need digital marketing services for startups and want to build your brand bottom-up, research, data analysis, and detailed calculations are our secret power. 

With the most talented and educated people on board, our team is equipped with experts ready to come up with a solution to any challenge you face so that your brand resonates strongly among consumers and ranks highly in search engines.

We Build Long-Lasting Relationships.

As a trustworthy marketing agency, our goal is to build and do it in collaboration with our clients, meaning you are an important part of the puzzle. We are not aimed only at achieving short-term success, but we want to forge mutual trust and respect when creating long-term accomplishments. 

Our wish is to be the wind at your back helping you build your brand’s story and name.  And we will do it dedicatedly. In your good days and bad days. We know that the best digital marketing agencies are not all about profits but about people. 

We Care About Your Business Goals and Desires.

No matter if you are interested only in website design, social media marketing, search engine optimization, lead generation, or advertising services, or if you want the whole package, we will care about your ideas and aims. 

We help our clients find the best and most cost-effective solutions that will suit their needs. However, we will also be there to guide you throughout the whole process providing up-to-date ideas and suggestions that could brush up your business strategies. In the end, the customer is the center of our attention - we aim for thriving businesses and happy customers. 

As H.L. Mencken said: “For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest that holds human associations together”, our business philosophy is to keep our work transparent to our customers. 

You will get full access to everything that relates to your business, and no step will be made without your full approval of it. You will also be able to monitor the whole process live, and you will be immediately aware of every result. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Transparency Is Our Middle Name.

Are Digital and Internet Marketing the same thing?

They are interconnected. Digital marketing is an umbrella of online/offline marketing services used on all digital channels. Internet marketing is its subset, relying on the internet as means of communication.

Why should my business benefit from digital marketing services?

You want to tell a story, show your brand’s character, and connect with your customers showing them that you care, all in one. That’s digital marketing’s secret power.

Who needs digital marketing services?

Any business or person that wants to showcase their products and services or share some type of information.

What is Inbound marketing?

Instead of simply selling to your customers, with inbound marketing you will make followers. With this strategy, you will turn complete strangers into your brand promoters and build strong relationships.

What is your reporting and communication process?

We are a data-driven agency focused on transparency with our clients. You will be included in every step, with frequent detailed reports about our progress.

How much do digital marketing services cost?

The price of digital marketing services varies from agency to agency. They also depend on a number of factors, including the number of services, hours put into work and similar. Usually, the total cost of these services depends on the plans and packages you choose, as well as your digital marketing needs.

How do I choose digital marketing services?

Choosing a digital marketing service will depend on your goals, products, and services. Cooperating with an agency that understands your aims and desires, will be your best move.

Are there recommended digital marketing packages?

The best option your marketing agency can provide for you is to offer you a custom marketing package that will suit your business goals and needs.

Schedule A Free Proposal

Dear reader, for any questions, you can contact us via email or using our contact form in the ‘Contact Us’ section. 

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