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Why Do You Need to Update Your Website Content With Blogs?

why you should update website content with blogs

If you ask yourself why you need blog updates and regular postings, remember - when it comes to digital marketing, content is key. And although social media has now become an essential aspect of every successful content strategy, blogging is still a thing. A very important thing. It builds brand authority and awareness, bringing more traffic your way, but not only that. It also builds connections and trust. And with more than 90% of businesses using blogs as their marketing tools, and around 70 million posts each month, blogging is actually seen as one of the major marketing aspects. But this is not only about getting your prospects; it’s also about creating something your readers will value and make use of. 

What its main benefits are and how and how often to update your website content will be covered in this article. Let’s deep dive. 

Importance of Blogging and Website Content Updates

You can easily say that making content updates is an ace up your sleeve. When done properly, it will: 

  • Increase your brand’s visibility;
  • Bring more traffic and new leads;
  • Drive engagement;
  • Help you understand customers’ needs and gain their trust;
  • Improve search engine rankings.
importance of content updates

Increasing Brand’s Visibility

Until you show yourself on the internet, you will be cut short for a large percentage of your target audience. In other words, when you dedicate yourself to sharing content online, internet users can see you. Until then, you might have your regular customers and word-of-mouth marketing going on, and your business might be doing just fine, but your business simply won’t be as visible as it could and should be. 

However, what’s important to emphasize here is the fact that frequent and consistent blogging is just half the battle. The other half is making your content relevant, valuable, and, in the end, properly optimized for SEO. How do you manage this?

First, it’s important to choose topics that will answer consumer questions, solve their problems and issues, and/or give important information. The next thing to do is pay attention to the wording and keywords you are using when you are building headings and subheadings as well as organizing paragraphs and article sections. This step is followed by paying attention to the length of the text, placing adequate internal links inside the article that will boost your ratings, and choosing and formatting visuals. 

More Traffic and New Leads

There is one simple but smart statement in the world of digital marketing: if people love what you give them, they will keep coming back for more. 

In other words, if you consistently provide your readers with unique and useful content, you are more likely to build a connection with them, and once you do, they are more willing to click that subscribe button, leave their email, and follow your future updates. In the end, you can gain not only more traffic but also more new customers.

more traffic and more leads

The conclusion is that the more high-quality content you give, the bigger your audience will be. And a bigger audience means more sales.

Higher Social Media Engagement

One of the marketers’ most important goals is to create content that people will share, like, and comment on social media. That’s where blogging plays an important role. 

Instead of just describing your products, with blogging, you will educate your followers, provide useful tips and ideas, provide the latest news from the industry,  and so on. This way, you will also connect with your readers, making them long-term customers. But the most important thing is that you create shareable content with which people will willingly engage. 

Understanding Customer’s Needs and Gaining Trust

Writing a blog post on your website is not just about making dry presentations of your products and focusing on how to sell them. It’s about providing value and helping people solve their problems. 

understanding customer's needs and gaining trust

Let’s put this into perspective. Imagine you are a company that sells gardening products and utensils. Listing and describing your products together with in-depth how-to articles won’t be enough. It’s important to provide answers to the questions consumers have. If you understand that your audience needs help with organic gardening, for example, finding the best organic fertilizer or finding a way to grow a permaculture garden, you should provide content that is relevant to their issue. Only this way will you gain their trust and be able to recommend products you want to promote while paying attention to your client’s needs at the same time. 

Improved Search Engine Rankings 

Last but not least, blogging will help your SEO. 

Having fresh and relevant content is one of the main factors Google considers when deciding to rank your website. Making regular content updates will trigger visits from search engine spiders. Every time they are done indexing your pages, you will get a little higher rank. 

In other words, making regular updates to your content will give you higher rankings, which will bring more people to your website, and this will tell Google you have something valuable that needs to be seen. 

How Often Should Your Website Content Be Updated?

Some say you should update your content daily, some say weekly or monthly, while others put an emphasis on making it regular and consistent rather than frequent. 

All in all, what comes first is an investigation of how long it has been since you have analyzed your website thoroughly. If it’s been a while, maybe it’s time for a website health check. This will give you a closer look at your Google Ratings, user experience, loading speeds, and ideas on how to boost performance and when to make content updates. 

There are some key signals that will tell you your website needs immediate updates: 

  • Your website looks old and out of date with a boring and outdated design;
  • The mobile version is broken, lagging, or does not even exist;
  • You have multiple dead or broken links;
  • It’s not easy for you to make any changes or updates. 

In case you are faced with any of the mentioned situations, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start doing the ‘hard’ work. 

The next thing you need to do is make a decision regarding the frequency of your updates. This also depends on the business you are in. While some businesses require frequent content updates due to the changeability of their products and services, others will need only a few updates every month. What is, however, important is to make your updates predictable for users and keep them consistent. For example, if your readers expect two gardening-related blog posts a week, you need to make sure that goal is achieved. Regular postings will keep your audience interested and improve their loyalty and trust. 


All this being said, making frequent and regular updates to your website content is one of the essential things to do when it comes to digital marketing. When done properly, this will improve your search engine rankings, boost brand awareness and visibility, help you understand your customers better, and build a connection, improving trust and loyalty. It will also bring more traffic your way, creating new leads and potential customers. 

In the end, creating valuable content that answers consumers’ needs will not only improve content engagement and result in more shares, likes, and comments, but you will also attain long-term customers and loyal promoters of your brand.

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