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HR services

HR Services

Here at Hansa Global, our motivation are not only result-driven processes, we believe in people, and we look after them. We know that the crew that stands behind your business is the only and the most important asset your company will ever have. They are the building blocks your business will rely on and thrive on.

As Steve Wynn said: “Human Resources isn't a thing we do. It's the thing that runs our business."

Therefore, investing your time and effort in hiring the right individuals and nurturing the relationship with them is one of the best strategies you can have from the very start. 

Unfortunately, this step is highly and unfairly overlooked by many companies, especially in the initial steps of business development. Consequently, this, more often than not, leaves businesses with numerous omissions and mistakes that need not only to be prevented in the future but also corrected and unlearned. That’s where expertise in the matter comes in handy.

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As Peter Schutz stated: “Hire character. Train skill.” Human resources is an area of expertise that involves the overall management and development of the staff within an organization in order for them to reach their fullest potential. Doing it right requires detailed knowledge and professionalism.

This means that Human Resources is not only about finding experts in the field, it’s about raising them.

However, dealing with HR and running a business at the same time is usually too much for one person or a smaller team, so what has appeared as the latest business necessity over the last few years is HR outsourcing services.

With this in mind, our team of dedicated professionals will build an HR strategy tailor-made for your business, all the way from assessing and hiring the right individuals for your company and training them, to dealing with bookkeeping and complex documentation and helping you run your teams effectively.

We are able to undertake the majority of HR tasks, such as:

  • Assessing and recruiting candidates;
  • Employee Data Base and HRM services;
  • Training and development;
  • Processing payroll;
  • HR Compliance services;
  • Organizational development;
  • Team and leadership development;
  • Employee relations;
  • On-boarding;
  • And more…

Finding talent and the right people for your company can be a long and tedious process. We know that it can also be time-consuming and we can help you save that time and money on recruiting and hiring. Hansa’s HR team can handle it all. Based on your requirements and desires, we can prepare job descriptions for you and post them online. Additionally, we can keep track of every single person that applied and make sure to select only the best candidates. Other tasks related to these processes are also handled by us, including managing contacts, reviewing applications, interviewing, onboarding and so much more.

Running a business means plenty of documentation and papers. Every process needs to be documented, and every employee has a file that needs to be updated and well taken care of. Having a local HR team to take care of it all can be costly, but with Hansa’s team, you can cut those costs and still have well-organized documentation. We can take care of all the documentation processes you require; especially when it comes to hiring people. You can trust us with your processes and data, as we will make sure everything is done safely and quickly.

Managing employees’ documentation is not an easy task, especially when you add bookkeeping into the mix. Payrolls, taxes, contracts, calculations, and many other tasks need to be well-documented and taken care of professionally. This can be a big task for your business and if you would like to save time and money, you can rely on us to provide you with the best bookkeeping options.

Modern problems require modern solutions.Novel technology did not only bring new means of doing business, but it also brought a new approach to the business recruiting processes. Thanks to virtual connections and digital tech, companies are no longer geographically restricted when it comes to recruiting new staff. Now, it’s only important to find the right candidates, and you are halfway through. The most important thing is that the whole recruiting process can happen in the digital realm.Therefore, nowadays, businesses can easily engage in offshore staffing which can help them reduce operational costs and increase efficiency across teams. What you, as a company get with this approach, are:
  • Reduced  supply expenses;
  • Happier employees;
  • More freedom and flexibility;
  • And most importantly, talent.
You are no longer limited only to the contenders in your region or the local area, but you can search for your crew members all across the world.

The scale of offshore staffing you will implement can vary. And this will depend on two things:

  • the size of your business;
  • and your overall business goals.

In regard to this, you can either choose temporary solutions or opt for long-term employment.

Imagine you suddenly got an attractive project you can’t say no to, with a very short due date, but your team is already fully loaded. Instead of overloading your employees and creating potential harm, you may wish to use offshore staffing as a way to temporarily outsource certain tasks in a project-based manner so you could remove part of the burden from your regular staff.

On the other hand, you could benefit from forming a full-time offshore dedicated team that can deal with an entire segment of your operation.

However, the latter comes with several challenges such as cultural differences and dissimilar labor laws. Yet, hiring an experienced agency like Hansa Global, long-term staffing will quickly turn into a flawless and highly rewarding procedure.

HR services we offer have the best of your interest in focus. We aim for scalability, consistency, and precision, keeping things in the right direction, and helping your team flourish while throwing negativity away.We believe in the good old saying “We rise by lifting others”, so what you can expect from working with us is high motivation and expertise. We build effective methodologies to ensure all processes are applied seamlessly in your team(s).Here are some of the main advantages of outsourcing HR services:
  • Reduced costs. Studies have shown that companies that outsource HR services tend to save over 20% of their expenses compared to those that are keeping their HR functions in-house. 
  • Reduced paperwork. Besides cutting expenses, HR agencies will free you from losing yourself in the endless paperwork needed for each employee.  
  • Enhanced efficiency. Reduced paperwork is also followed by enhanced efficiency as employees have more time to think about their day-to-day projects and assignments. 
  • Faster recruitment. HR agencies work in a fast-paced environment, meaning they developed technology and methodology that lets them make more precise and faster decisions regarding downsizing the continents’ list and choosing the right candidate, compared to examining each application manually in a step-by-step manner.
  • Happier employees. No matter if you already have an HR professional and specialist in your team or not, outsourcing some of the processes will make sure problems are not felt in other areas of your business. Seeing things from more perspectives can help you uplift your company’s culture and spirit which will result in happier employees that are motivated to achieve objectives, respect due dates, and make bigger contributions to your business overall. And building a family culture within your company like this will end with higher team cohesion and stronger results. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are HR Services?

The range of functions that support and help employees fall in the HR services domain. This includes the whole employee lifecycle from assessing their application to retirement, such as interviewing, onboarding, payrolls, evaluation processes, performance measurements, creating compensation plans, bonuses, and benefits, training, and retraining, boosting morale, paperwork support, and, in the end, the retirement procedure.

What are the 7 main functions of HR?

There are 7 key functions of HR services:

  • Process of recruitment and selection;
  • Training and development;
  • Performance management;
  • Payroll management and benefits;
  • Succession planning;
  • HR data and analytics;
  • Human Resources Information Systems.

What are the 3 main HR phases?

The three main and most important HR activities include pre-hiring, training, and post-hiring. Pre-hiring relates to finding the right employees who will fill your vacant positions. Training, as the name suggests, relates to getting the new employees to speed on your company’s procedures and protocols, while post-hiring refers to nurturing that employer–to-employee relationship in terms of support, checking up, promotions and salary raises, and similar.

What is HR Service Management?

The main focus of HR Service Management is the employees, their experience, their data, and their workflows, as each person is seen as an important part of the puzzle. HR Service Management helps the company’s HR department handle work requests and boost service delivery, transforming phone, manual, and in-person HR practices into a task-driven process with an aim to boost the overall workflow and the company’s success.

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Dear reader, for any questions, you can contact us via email or using our contact form in the ‘Contact Us’ section. 

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