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website development and design

Website Development

Today’s consumers rely heavily on the internet whenever they’re in need of products and services, and having a poorly structured website is an issue that can cause serious damage to your business. Potential clients will pay a visit to your site before they decide to do business with you, and the quality of your online presence is one of the factors that can make or break your brand’s growth. 

However, creating a well-optimized website with quality content may be too much to do on your own, which is why Hansa Global gathered a team of dedicated professionals who can help your business with all the following components:

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Hosting is a third-party service that enables the website to be found and accessed by online visitors. On top of that, hosting serves as a secure place where the website’s coding is stored, and it affects the efficiency and the loading speed of web pages. Knowing which service package to opt for is the foundation of a stable online presence. Here at Hansa Global, we are used to matching businesses with the right hosting options that will ensure the highest possible security and flawless functioning at all times. 

The initial contact with your website is actually the first impression that your business leaves on a potential customer. The clients will judge your business within the first few seconds, and you will want to leave a positive impact. If the visitors perceive the website’s design as outdated or unappealing, they are very likely to leave and turn to one of your competitors. Besides keeping the leads on your site, a good web design should also reflect your brand and its values. Investing in professional web design services helps transform your brand into a visual story that will help the clients understand what your business is all about, and why they need your products or services.

Web development is all the work that happens behind the scenes so you could have a website that looks great, performs fast, and offers an outstanding user experience. Web developers use a variety of coding languages for this purpose, and the use of quality code is one of the core components that make a website functional. 

The process is split into two main components: the front-end development which takes care of the design and layout, and the back-end which takes care of the data which actually powers the whole operation. Trying to save money by compromising the quality of code is one of the most damaging decisions a person could make since poorly written pieces of code can lead to all sorts of issues that can be quite difficult to fix. Even if you opt for the use of WordPress which comes with pre-designed elements, you will need a hand with custom modifications of the platform’s original code, and that is one of many skills that our team members specialize in. 

No matter how well-structured your website may be, if you don’t invest in its maintenance, all your effort will eventually go to waste. Detailed maintenance involves monitoring traffic, updating content, ensuring all the links are working, backing up the website, taking care of security, and much more. Depending on the complexity of your website, proper maintenance can be pretty technical, and time-consuming, and doing it without the necessary skills can lead to costly mistakes. Here at Hansa Global we basically mastered the skill of website maintenance where nothing is left to chance, and by leaving it to us you can rest assured that everything will run smoothly.

Keeping the needs of the end user at the center of all the web design and development efforts is what we prioritize in all our projects. If you want to amaze your customers and keep them engaged, you need to embrace a client-focused approach that elevates user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). Luckily for you, our experts specialize in creating user-friendly interfaces with flawless functionalities and intuitive navigation. The final result is always an enjoyable digital experience that meets all the needs of your customers, by being comfortable and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. 

Having an e-commerce website means having your own digital storefront on the web where you can welcome potential customers and present them with your products. This type of website embodies the function of an entire physical store, together with product shelves, the staff, as well as the cash register. And if the platform is created right, it largely facilitates the transaction process between your business and its clients. However, transforming your existing website into an e-commerce platform is a process that requires plenty of knowledge and expertise, and that's where our partnership with Shopify can make all the difference. The procedure involves a series of technical tasks and important steps like the set-up of payment processing, and hiring a qualified staff to do it is the best way for you to have peace of mind knowing that everything was taken care of. 

Mobile devices are getting more and more screen time, and if your website is not optimized for portable devices, you are missing out on a large chunk of relevant traffic. In order to help our clients stay competitive in the market, we work hard to deliver perfectly optimized solutions that offer user-friendly experiences regardless of screen size. Besides staying ahead of other businesses, having a responsive website gives more accessibility to your online presence, allowing visitors to conveniently engage with your site on their smartphones and tablets. 

Hansa Global is an agency built around the idea to create functional solutions that can help our clients thrive in the online world. Running a business is hard, and finding a reliable partner that can take over a portion of the work can be a life-saving decision. As a digital agency with vast experience, we know exactly how to take your business idea and showcase it on the web by creating a personalized online presence that tells the unique story of your brand. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between web design and web development?

While web design is all about making the website functional and also looking clean and visually appealing at the same time, web development is a series of behind-the-scenes procedures that actually make the whole operation work.

What is Full Stack web development?

Full-stack web development takes care of the front end and the back end, all at once. A full-stack developer is able to build software that is both client and server-centric.

What is the difference between UX and UI?

User experience (UX) is how the user feels whenever they interact with your website, while the user interface (UI) refers to the touchpoints like screens, pages, and buttons that a person uses in the process.

Why you should consider mobile web development before desktop?

Currently, there are 7.33 mobile users in the world, many of whom browse the web on their portable devices. Focusing on mobile web development helps you meet the demand of today’s shoppers by offering solutions that work seamlessly on all screen sizes.

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Dear reader, for any questions, you can contact us via email or using our contact form in the ‘Contact Us’ section. 

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