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lead generation

Lead Generation Services

As a company, being able to sell is crucial, and this goes as far as whether the company will live or die can be determined only by its selling potential. We all know about examples of many world-changing ideas, inventions, and high-quality products and services that never took off only because they didn’t sell. 

So, how to do it?

Here at Hansa Global, we know that it all comes down to generating quality leads. 

Okay, let’s stop here for a moment. What are leads? They refer to potential customers and sales contacts for the business. Being able to generate sales-qualified leads in this sense means easier sales and higher profits for the company. 

Before, the lead generation process used to be as simple as involving purchasing lists of names where sales representatives used cold calling techniques for contacting people at home. But modern technology has brought new and exciting ways for businesses to get in front of potential customers using specific information and criteria. Today, this is often done using digital media, in combination with inbound and some outbound marketing strategies. 

When you as a company generate leads successfully, your sales team is able to make more productive sales cycles and gain new customers more easily.

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How Does Lead Generation Look in the Digital Era?

The digital age brought not only new ways of doing marketing and sales but also brought an abundance of information to the customer's door. 

Times, when sales representatives used to cold call uninformed buyers with the aim of introducing them to their products and services, is a thing of a distant past. Today, you have an educated and invested consumer who uses search engines, social media, blogs, forums, and similar channels to gain information and become an expert on the topic. They are no longer eager to listen to a traditional sales pitch but are looking for information that relates directly to their needs. 

What should become a company’s focus in the modern world is developing a lead generation strategy that will resonate with a strong internet presence. This is usually achieved by using inbound marketing strategies together with search engine optimization and content creation marketing. 

What the new era also brought are new ways of understanding prospective leads. It made it easier for companies to pinpoint the target audience's wants and needs together with tailoring digital marketing strategies to better draw them in. It’s not only about generating new lead customers anymore, but it’s also about creating nurturing relationships with them.

The old-fashioned ways come with their advantages. Outbound lead generation strategies fall into the cost-effective category of communicating methods with prospective customers who may still not know about the company’s products and services. The usual techniques that come into mind here are cold calling, cold email, pay-per-click, multi-channel outreach, content syndication, and so on. 

Inbound-led lead generation strategies refer to a process of drawing in website visitors and converting them into high-quality leads. The main idea when it comes to inbound lead strategy is that visitors have the freedom to decide how, when and IF they will engage with the content you provide. 

Intent-led lead generation is a process of collecting prospective clients’ data which encompasses their interests, behaviors, and closeness to purchase. Instead of getting a long list of potential leads, by using the intent data, B2B marketers will search for buyers who are actively learning about their company’s products and services. 

‘And now for something completely different,’ as Monty Pythons would say. List-led lead generation is something that is done but largely avoided. And for a good reason. What it implies is basically that your leads come from the lists of leads made by other companies. This is acceptable when organic lead generation strategies aren’t an option and companies are in the need of closing deals. 

Turning to intent data is one of the best practices when creating your lead-generation strategy. This is something we often use in Hansa Global. Actually, researching a buyer's intent is becoming a common thing in the B2B lead generation process. Successful businesses just know how to take advantage of intent data to gain a new lead before other brands identify them. 

What is it all about?

As mentioned above, intent data refers to collecting information about potential customers, encompassing their interests, behaviors and purchasing intent. Businesses can collect these data either using first-party sources like purchasing history, previous conversations or activities on the web, or using third-party sources like cookies, media brokers or traffic analytics. By using them you are targeting those leads that are actively searching for your products, which implies this is the best lead generation strategy when you want to gain qualified prospects. 

It is noted that around 55% of businesses increased their conversion rate using intent data, while this method also increased sales, alignment and account prioritization for 50% of businesses. This makes the procedure a beautiful asset to creating your lead generation campaign. 

The procedure would also help you not waste your resources on the wrong prospects. You will avoid frittering away money on content that will go unseen in the conversion path. Instead, you will get B2B leads that are ready to make a purchase. At the same time, you will improve the buyer’s journey by tailoring your marketing campaign. Picking one of these kinds of lead generation tools will leave you with zero guesswork or false positives. You will be making only the right moves at the right time.

Our team of PPC experts will guide you through the whole process. We will align our PPC service with your business goals and objectives. Together, we will choose the right platform, define the target audience, and generate campaigns that will grab your consumer’s attention. 

Without a proper lead generation strategy, your business will be a sitting duck. Your income will depend on the audience that may not even be aware of your existence. You will have no prospects, no leads, and no sales. At least not the stable ones. 

There are many benefits to building your lead generation marketing:

Lead generation will grow your visibility, boost your brand awareness, drive traffic, and build credibility, trust, and interest from qualified leads, and with good leads, you will get high-value customers, and much better sales. 

There is no better way of attracting new prospects than getting a good review from a satisfied client. Asking your consumers to leave reviews and testimonials on your website, social media, Twitter or Facebook profile, or other social networks will build up your brand visibility and trustworthiness and make your prospects eager to buy. 

A successful lead-generation process, where lead generation marketing is included in planning, will not only get you new leads, but you will also gain marketing qualified leads. What this means is you will get a prospect who fits the profile of the ideal customer with the intent of making a purchase. 

Cold calling and emailing could be reduced or eliminated  

Having high-quality leads coming to your door will free up time for your sales team. This way, they won’t be focusing on finding prospects but on improving your sales marketing and closing deals with leads based on their interested product. 

What Are The Advantages of Data-Driven Lead Generation?

Marketing is responsible for around 30% of the company’s revenue, yet having a good marketing lead-generation strategy that will end up with secure sales remains one of the most challenging parts of getting your business to grow. Most of the leads, even the qualified ones, that enter your sales funnel won’t end up purchasing your products and services, which is a huge hold-up for many businesses that are trying to go big. 

And where companies make a mistake is that they don’t analyze their broken marketing strategies to discover where and when their leads are dropping off. They expand the campaign instead, trying to reach a bigger audience. They fall to a misbelief that this means more sales, while the truth is that quality over quantity is what counts. Meaning, you should be focusing on the right kind of people. That’s why your lead generation approach should rely on data. 

With a data-driven approach, you will: 

  • Get the right leads: Using data when creating your buyer persona will direct your lead scoring in a way to help you identify your ideal lead more accurately, which will secure more productive campaigns for your business. 
  • Build your brand visibility and awareness: Boosting visibility is vital to turning the tide in your favor, and you should do it intently by creating content your audience cares about. 
  • Not need outbound lead generation strategies: With a data-driven approach, cold calling and cold emailing could be a thing of the past. Instead of reaching out to people in order to introduce them to your product or service, you will have qualified leads coming to you. 
  • Tailor your campaigns and make them more personal: Data will provide you with the ability to create a personalized approach when reaching your consumers, making you more appreciative of their unique needs and preferences which will at the same time improve your customer service. 
  • Get better analysis: Data-driven approach will help you track and analyze your marketing campaigns more effectively giving you the chance to make real-time adjustments and optimize the results. 

As a data-led company here at Hansa Global we believe in strategies that bring success. With us, there is no guesswork, no point-blank shooting, and no failed investments. We are focused on research and offering services that are made not only to attract prospects in the most efficient way but also to turn them into secure customers. 

Digital Marketing 

Digital marketing or emarketing has been overtaking the marketing world, as the majority of audiences for any business are located in the online realm. This means it can drive tremendous results no matter the business where it is used. In combination with lead generation processes, the Hansa Global team developed digital marketing lead generation services that are focused on making smart moves that will turn the target audience into paying customers. What is more, we incorporated lead generation strategies in all of our major services such as:

  • Sales
  • SEO 
  • PPC 
  • Email Marketing 
  • Social Media 
  • Content Marketing 

Intent lead generation

With our intent lead generation service, you will learn what products and services your potential buyer is interested in. You will also be able to determine whether your prospect is ready to make a purchase and become your real customer. In other words, our intent-data-led lead generation will help you make smarter moves and close better sales deals with fewer investments. 

Email marketing

As powerful a marketing channel as it is, email marketing has the ability to consistently and reliably churn out ROI, if done properly. With it, making your consumers aware of new products, discounts, giveaways, VIP programs, and other services can be done in a more personalized way.

The Hansa Global Email Marketing team will help you plan your strategy in a way to send only the emails your customers would want to read.

Market research

Market research is surely one of the key steps in the process of planning a new business, as it provides you with an in-depth analysis of your target market and its key trends. Additionally, the research will present you with new perspectives on the market, which will help you define potential customers and estimate the viability of the product or service you are planning to offer. Market research is one of our passions here at Hansa Global, and our efforts are always focused on doing our best to help our clients identify their niche and establish an edge against the competition.

On top of that, we always pair the research with the results of a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). By pinpointing the threats and weaknesses, we help you improve the current flaws of the planned setup and avoid the risks you could potentially fall into. On the contrary, in the process of identifying your strengths and opportunities, we can help you develop a powerful growth strategy based on your actual advantages.

A Lead Generation Strategy that is Uniquely Created for Your Business

Not only that we believe in data and research, or generating intent-data leads, but we believe in tailored solutions. A one-size-fits-all approach is something that is widely avoided in our team. Each strategy and each marketing campaign will be created in accordance with your business needs and goals. This means that together, we will build a lead generation strategy that is made specifically for your business. 

Why Choose Hansa Global for Lead Generation?

The Hansa Global team is dedicated to seeing you grow. Our every move is based on thorough research as we understand the importance of getting the right people coming your way. Our lead generation services are tailor-made with one goal in mind - to make your sales flourish. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lead Generation Marketing?

Lead generation marketing is the process of initiating consumer interest in products or services you are offering. It all started in the 20th century going from marketers cold calling uninformed customers to consumers now becoming experts in the field intently coming to you. 

What is B2B Lead Generation?

B2B lead generation is the process of creating your buyer persona, a person who would be an ideal consumer of your products and services and then attracting them to buy. 

Inbound vs Outbound Lead Generation - which is better?

Inbound lead generation is cost-effective, time-saving, and easier to get started with. You will not only spend fewer resources, but you will get compounding returns that further lower costs over time.

What is the future of lead generation strategies?

AI-powered lead generation solutions are something to expect in the near future. As artificial intelligence peeks into every business, it will be fascinating to see how these strategies will get incorporated by businesses. 
We are a data-driven agency focused on transparency with our clients. You will be included in every step, with frequent detailed reports about our progress.

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Dear reader, for any questions, you can contact us via email or using our contact form in the ‘Contact Us’ section. 

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